The world of team management carries a lot of responsibility.
As a manager, you’re in charge of making sure things run smoothly. Ideally, you’d never like any issues or difficult situations to arise. But that’s not realistic.
The truth is there are always going to be challenges that come up. It could be events that are taking place in the world or your office.
Wherever the chaos is coming from, it’s up to you to calm the storm.
Here are seven tips that will make managing challenging team situations easier.
Table of Contents
1. Be Open And Honest
If something is going on behind the scenes, don’t cut your employees out. If they know something is happening, it’s best, to be honest and upfront with them.
For example, someone in a senior position may be retiring in the office. Your company may hire someone new or shift the responsibilities to other people.
If the work responsibilities are going to get split up between employees, let them know. Even if it’s in the works, explaining the status of the situation is helpful.
When things are rough, communication is vital. Your team will respect you for keeping them apprised on situations, whether good or bad.
Always address each situation as it comes. Let them know what needs to happen next and what everyone can do to make things run smoothly.
2. Acknowledge There’s A Problem
It’s hard to move forward when you can’t acknowledge there’s a problem.
Perhaps someone took credit for another team member’s hard work. If it’s upsetting the employee who worked hard, there’s something you should do about it.
Yes, you should figure out a solution to the problem. But you should also make sure the team admits there’s an issue so you can move forward.
Depending on who took the credit, ask if they can clear things up with their supervisor. The employee should admit their error so they can learn and grow with the team.
Together, everyone should know who gets the credit. Fixing the problem will help build team morale and prevent dissonance in the office.
3. Stay Positive About The Future
Keep things uplifting in the office by giving your employees hope for a promising future.
Recently, there could have been a few bumps in the road, such as getting a new boss. A change in ownership is never easy, but you can continue to work through it.
It’s hard to get excited about your work when you’re not optimistic. Even as a manager, if you’re less than enthusiastic lately, don’t let it rub off on the rest of the team.
Your job is to stay positive, even if things aren’t going well at the moment.
Be positive in your language, and encourage productive conversations to work through issues.
4. Let Them Know You’re There To Talk
While the team is weathering the storm, make sure your door is always open. Members of the group may want to chat.
If you make it seem like you’re too busy to be there for them, then it’ll be hard to be on the same page.
Let team members know that even though you’re busy, you always have time to listen.
It’s up to you to reassure them and offer solutions to existing problems. If they feel like they can be open with you, it’ll make everyone’s job easier.
5. Be Open To Feedback
Besides offering employees feedback, you need to be open to feedback as well. Yes, as a manager, you’re not perfect, and you’re going to make mistakes. Sorry, but that’s the truth.
If no one is brave enough to offer you feedback, ask a few people in your office how you can improve.
No one is perfect, and to excel at your job, you should always seek to do better. It’s up to you to be open to criticism and find out how you can improve your skills.
Everyone has a weakness, and yours could be how you manage certain situations when they arise. You could get tense and have a hard time communicating well.
A member of your team may bring something like this to your attention. If so, their feedback may be to take some time out and gather your thoughts before proceeding.
Be open to new ways to strengthen your knowledge, and you’ll become a better manager!
6. Celebrate Small Victories
When your team performs well, reward them for every victory. So, if you’re in sales, and you reach your quarterly goals, it’s time to celebrate!
You could reward them with a nice dinner out when you reach a goal.
Think of ways to give your team a bonus for reaching smaller goals as well. For example, individual team members can get a gift card for making a set amount of money in a month.
Or, consider getting your team gift cards every once in a while to let them know they’re doing a good job.
Acknowledging your employee’s hard work will incentivize them to continue to do their best. They’ll also think that you’re a pretty cool manager for rewarding them!
7. Help Team Members Reach Their Goals
Part of being an exceptional team leader is to help everyone reach their goals. We gave an example of rewarding a team for accomplishing their goals.
But do you have a plan in place to help them reach their target? Outline the steps that everyone must take to meet goals.
It’s hard to have an objective without a plan. Outline what it takes to get the work done. You’ll be one step closer to accomplishing great things!
Whether it’s a personal or group goal, be willing to go the extra mile for them.
Offer suggestions on what it is they can do to improve themselves. In the process, they’ll be able to advance in their career!
In Conclusion
Being a team leader is a fulfilling job that will urge you to be there for your people during the good and bad.
There’s always going to be a situation that’ll allow you and your team to learn and grow. Be willing to be open to ways to become a better manager to help your employees excel.
Things won’t always be easy, but together you can accomplish anything!
Author Bio
Caitlin Sinclair has seven years of experience in managing high-end apartment communities. Her ability to deliver white-glove service to her residents and prospects has propelled her into a successful career that now finds her leading the team at Jefferson Promenade.
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